support the work of John McDowell
All aspects of putting together a documentary film are expensive, and music is no exception. Costs include hiring musicians for session recordings, licensing, engineering, mixing and mastering. As of July 24, 2021 we have raised over $2,500 towards our $10,000 music goal, thanks to gifts by Clark Attebury and Lily Szujewski.
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Musician and film composer John McDowell achieved worldwide recognition with his soundtrack to the Academy Award winning documentary Born Into Brothels. Winner of Best Musical Score at the Bend Film Festival, the score is a mesmerizing blend of Western and Indian music. Like Producer/Director Peter McDowell, John is a surviving brother to Jimmy and his involvement in the film is driven by love for family. Other film scores by McDowell include Higher Love (Slamdance 2019), Who Does She Think She Is?, Orgasmic Birth, and Sold, a narrative feature film adaptation of the globally acclaimed novel by Patricia McCormick. Check out some scenes from his work here.
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