Thanks to a generous MATCHING GIFT from PYGMALION as well as from donors R.J. Brooks & George Guerra, every gift given during this event was matched up to $7500 on a dollar-for-dollar basis! So far, including matching funds, we have raised $17,250 through this event and auction and our goal is $19,000. Help us reach our final goal of $50,000 in finishing funds.
On Saturday September 26, as part of the PYGMALION Festival, Jimmy in Saigon held its first ever virtual fundraiser and auction. The free event features a conversation between Director Peter McDowell and Executive Producer Dan Savage, moderated by Hollywood producer Helen Estabrook (Whiplash, Tully, The Front Runner), a brand new clip from the rough cut of Jimmy in Saigon, as well as musical performances from Robbie Fulks, Acoustic Eidolon, the film’s composer John McDowell with Luna McDowell, JEMS, and Nora O’Connor, and special guests including author Jonathan Ames.
Jimmy in Saigon is a documentary exploring the mysterious death of Peter McDowell’s eldest brother, James, who died age 24 in Saigon. The film explores unspoken grief and family secrets, while honoring those lost long ago.
PYGMALION is a prominent music and culture festival held yearly in Champaign-Urbana, IL (Peter’s hometown). This year, the festival will be held online and is hosting Jimmy in Saigon’s fundraising event on September 26. PYGMALION attracts audiences from around the country with its incredible roster of artists and speakers, which in past years has included Andrew Bird, Tig Notaro, George Saunders, Roxane Gay, Janelle Monae, Iron and Wine, and Animal Collective, among others.
Our virtual fundraiser is free to attend, but please consider supporting the event through our silent auction or through the purchase of a VIP ticket. VIP tickets will give you access to a private chatroom with Peter and other VIP ticket holders for the duration of the event, where Peter will share films, music and TV that has influenced his creative direction, exclusive behind the scenes content from the Jimmy in Saigon, and he will be available to answer any questions about the film.
If you are unable to attend, we welcome any donations (which are tax-deductible) through our Film Independent fundraising page.
We are hard at work on a rough cut and aim to finish the film by winter/spring of 2020. Your kind donations go directly to the completion of Jimmy in Saigon.

You can read more about Peter, Dan, and the rest of the Jimmy in Saigon team here.

Robbie Fulks, Acoustic Eidolon, John McDowell, JEMS, and Nora O’Connor (left to right)
A Big thank you to our host committee for their generous participation in this event:
Johnny Atorino, Sara Berliner, Guy Brenner, Tracy Ann Chapel, Kelly Creedon, Sarah Dandelles, Sonia Dumont and David Witonsky, Janet Flynn-Royko, Sandy Smith Gerding, George Guerra and R.J. Brooks, Bret Hamilton + Becca Whiting, Jennifer Herlein, Allison Holton, Nikki Joshi, Martha Kasten, Lisa Leshne, Laura Lynch, Stosh Mintek and Dana Rizer, Sacha Mullin, Lucia Palmarini, Mia Park, Maureen Reagan, Norma Rodriguez, Ari, Yoriko and Rena Salomon Yamamoto, Carrie Sandahl, Todd Savage, Peter Schulman, Emi Takahara, Khuyen Tuong, Helen Vasey, Lilli Weisz and Jed Silverstein, David Yanko and Gülgün Kayim.
we’d like to thank all of our generous auction donors to this event. Please join us in showing your appreciation by visiting their websites and enjoying and exploring their creations:
Ari Salomon: arisalomon.com
Andrew Bird and Jay Ryan: andrewbird.net and thebirdmachine.com
Amber Mark (c/o Alex Spadea): ambermarkmusic.com
Ann McDowell
Carrie Owerko: theplayground.carrieowerko.com
Code of the Freaks (c/o Carrie Sandahl) https://www.codeofthefreaks.com
Cookbook LA: cookbookla.com
David Csicsko: https://csicsko.com/
The Flat Five (c/o Nora O’Connor Kean): theflatfivechicago.com
George Guerra
Helen Dannelly: helendannelly.com
Inna Faliks: innafaliks.com
Jeffrey Ray
JEMS: wearejems.com
Jim Newberry: jimnewberry.com
The Hideout (c/o Alice Blander and Tim Tuten): hideoutchicago.com
Kate Steffens: thefamilyacid.com
Kent Smith: kentsmith.format.com
La Canada Flintridge Country Club: lcfcountryclub.com
Laurie Szujewska: ensatinapress.com
Martha Kasten: marthakasten.wordpress.com
Matt Bodett: mattbodett.com
Mia Park: miaparkyoga.com
Michael Attebury
Nadine Lollino: yoga.movementlab.dance
Nancy Olson
Rena Yamamoto
Sacha Mullin: sachamullin.com
Sandy Smith Gerding: sandysmithgerdingartwork.com
Stosh Mintek and Dana Rizer
Theodore Gray (c/o Sylvie Khan): theodoregray.com
Timothy Daly: https://ozmarecords.com
Vote Like a Mother (c/o Sara Berliner): votelikeamother.org
Yoriko Yamamoto